What Are the Advantages of Skylights and Solar Tubes?

When it comes to adding more natural light into your home, you’ve probably considered installing skylights on your roof. However, solar tube lighting is another good option to consider. If you’ve never heard of a solar tube before, then let our roof repair experts explain what you need to know:

What Are the Advantages of Skylights and Solar Tubes?

What Are Their Differences? 

Skylights are made from glass, acrylic and polycarbonate material, and are installed on the roof of your home. They’re rectangular and consist of simple components, including the glazing, frame and flashing. A good tip to remember when choosing skylights is that bigger is always better, but don’t let the size exceed 15% of the room’s square footage beneath it.

Solar tubes can be described as tubular skylights since they’re also known as light tubes and sun tunnels. They usually consist of an acrylic or polycarbonate dome installed on the home’s roof. They’re designed to catch the sunlight by reflecting it down a rigid or flexible sheet metal tube in the attic before shining on the diffusing lens in the room’s ceiling.

What Should You Consider?

Keep in mind that both skylights and solar tubes have their advantages and disadvantages, but they both need to be installed in a room or area in your home that can benefit most from natural light. You also need to consider other factors, such as climate conditions and installation costs, so make sure you consult with your trusted contractor to know whether skylights or solar tubes are better for your roof.

If you’re leaning more into enhancing your home’s curb appeal, then skylights can be your best choice. Not only do they add more ambiance to your home, but you get a nice view of the sky at any time of the day. But if you’re not interested in getting skylights, but want more natural light in your home, then consider having solar tubes installed. Most solar tubes have diffusers that don’t stand out, so they can look like any other ordinary light fixture.

If you’re looking for a trusted expert in residential and commercial roofing, hire Berry Roofing & Solar to get the job done for you. Call us at (951) 900-1309, or fill out our convenient contact form to get started. Talk to us today!

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