Professional Fixes for Different Gutter Problems
The gutters play a crucial role in keeping your home safe from water damage. Their constant exposure to the elements, however, make them susceptible to a couple of problems. You’ll want to deal with these issues promptly, which means turning to a trusted professional like Berry Roofing & Solar. Here’s how we address some common gutter concerns.
Leaking Gutters
When standing water is overlooked in the gutter system, it will corrode the aluminum or galvanized steel seams. This creates holes and other openings where water can leak out. Leaking gutters can turn serious real quick because the water isn’t directed to the rain barrel or drainage system. Instead, it seeps into the home’s exterior and wears away at the ground near your home.
Our Solution: Berry Roofing & Solar will adjust and strengthen the gutter hangers. We’ll check the system for standing water and allow it to dry out. We’ll then seal the openings to head off further leaks.
Clogged Gutters
Leaves, pine needles and other loose debris can settle inside your gutters. They create blockages that can hamper the draining performance of the system, causing rainwater to back up and overflow. The good news is that gutter congestion is easy to correct.
Our Solution: Your gutters will need proper and regular cleaning to ensure they remain clear and clog-free. Doing this yourself, however, can be risky because you’ll be working at high heights, and you may be exposed to the organic debris piled up in the system. Call a pro who can clean your gutters instead. These people may also recommend a good gutter protection system to install over your system.
Old and Sagging Gutters
In some cases, the gutters may have sustained enough damage that no amount of repair or maintenance can fix them anymore. Excessive corrosion and large holes and cracks in the gutter material are just some of the warning signs.
Our Solution: The better and smarter solution is replacement. Berry Roofing & Solar can help you with this. We’re not just your go-to company for solar roofing installation, but we can also handle your new gutter installation to ensure your home remains free and safe from water damage.
When in need of top-tier gutter solutions, look no further than Berry Roofing & Solar. We proudly serve Riverside, CA, and the rest of the Inland Empire and Orange County. Call us today at (951) 900-1309, or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation.